All you Need to know About Marketplace
The digital era is here, and it's changed the way we do business. Hundreds of retailers are using online marketplaces like Noon to sell their products, but they're not just selling them; they're reaching thousands of customers across the country. They're seeing a return on investment that they never thought possible. And that's because these marketplaces offer service models exceptionally designed to help small sellers achieve more from a little investment. You might not know it, but you live in a world that is full of marketplaces. Marketplaces are online platforms where buyers and sellers can connect with each other to buy or sell products and services. These online markets have been around for a long time—in fact, the first known marketplace was established in Ancient Rome. Marketplaces have come a long way since then, though they still serve the same purpose: connecting buyers and sellers. In this article, we'll look at the three main types of marketplaces...